Mission Statement
At Leigh Academy Cherry Orchard, we are committed to providing a quality, inclusive education where all children are able to achieve their full potential, building on a firm foundation of secure reading, writing and number skills. We are passionate about creating a learning environment where children feel safe and happy, enabling all to develop into individuals who are confident to take risks and who are able to be actively involved in their learning. We are dedicated to providing learning experiences that challenge all pupils, fostering resilient, motivated learners who go on to become lifelong learners. Through a curriculum that encourages intercultural understanding within the local and global communities, we aim to nurture our pupils in becoming considerate and compassionate towards others, celebrating each other’s differences. We are resolved to promote a culture where collaboration and community is highly valued, and where we all work as part of a wider team who share good practice and offer support to others.

Our Values
At Leigh Academy Cherry Orchard we value:
- A quality, inclusive education where all children are able to achieve their full potential.
- A learning environment where children feel safe and happy so are confident and enthused to ‘have a go’.
- Learning experiences that include challenge for all, producing resilient and highly motivated learners.
- A consistent, focused approach to managing behaviour, safeguarding, pastoral support and embedding British Values across all year groups.
- A culture where we all work collaboratively as part of the wider team, sharing ideas and good practice and offering support to others.

Our Senior Leadership Team
- Principal: Mrs Julie Forsythe
- Vice Principals: Mrs Emma Newton and Mrs Zoe Bushell
- SENCO: Mrs Vicki Adams