Here are some support groups that may help during these difficult times:
- SLD Awareness including Dyslexia: virtual meeting by Google Meet on Wednesday 1 July @ 3pm
- 7 Top tips to support reading at home: download a pdf
- DFE FAQs on Free School Meals
- Talk to your children about the Coronavirus
- A social story by Carol Gray about the virus
- Work out ideas for home: Go Noodle, Cosmic Yoga and Jo Wickes 5 minute workout for kids
- Visit Speech & Language Link for lots of Speech & Language resources, advice and tips for parents working with children who have SLCN at home.
- Visit Driver Youth Trust for resources for children with cognition and learning difficulties
- Public Health England have developed guidance on the mental health and well being aspects of coronavirus
- NHS Every Mind Matters website is all about looking after your mental health and well being including information about sleep. Their website also offers an interactive quiz to give you some personal top tips and advice around promoting positive emotional and mental health and well being. This has also been tailored for the Coronavirus outbreak.
- NHS have created a web page about Mindfulness, which can help improve your mental well being.
- NHS have also created a variety of useful videos on several different topics:
- have some useful links on supporting the health and mental well being of families during this difficult time.