Sessions and Costs

Funding and sessions times will be agreed with the Preschool Manager prior to your child starting Preschool.  Any additional hours will be invoiced for a term in advance.

All children must attend 5 days a week, whether this be 5 morning sessions, 5 afternoon sessions or 5 full days.  This pattern of attendance helps the children feel more settled within the setting, supports building stronger relationships with staff and the other children and provides a greater opportunity for them to make good progress.

As we are part of Leigh Academy Cherry Orchard we are able to utilise the resources and environment around us to provide a stimulating and exciting learning experience whilst encouraging the children to develop a sense of independence.




Breakfast Club

7:30am – 9am

£12 – includes breakfast

Morning Session

9am – 12pm


Afternoon Session

12pm – 3pm


After School Club

3pm – 6pm

£24 – includes tea

Full Day

7:30am – 6pm


Late Collections

Children must be collected promptly at the end of their session/day.  Should a parent fail to collect their child on time, a late collection fee of £5 every 5 minutes will be charged.

MCAS – My Child At School

Wrap around care, additional hours and school dinners are paid for termly via MCAS.

Please note that Preschool wraparound care charges are higher than those for the main school due to the legal requirement of having a member of staff with Early Years qualifications or a Qualified Teacher present.


We have one intake per year (in September).

A child born on or between 1st April and 31st August will be eligible for a free place from September, following their third birthday.  

  • 15 hours funding – All 3 to 4-year-old children in England can get 570 hours of free early education or childcare per year. This is usually taken as 15 hours a week for 38 weeks of the year.
  • 30 Hours Funding – Each parent (or sole parent in a single family) will need to earn over £120 per week (or £112.80 if you are aged 21-24) and no more than £100k per annum from paid employment, which entitles a child to up to 30 hours’ free childcare per week.  This is usually taken as 30 hours a week for 38 weeks of the year.  This is applied for via the Government website and will need to be updated termly.

Funding and sessions times will be agreed with the Preschool Manager prior to your child starting Preschool.  Any additional hours will be invoiced for a term in advance.

Pattern of funded hours

  • 30 hours: 9am – 3pm Mon-Fri
  • 15 hours: 9am – 12pm Mon – Fri
  • 15 hours: 12pm – 3pm Mon – Fri

15 hours Government funded placement will consist of 5 morning OR 5 afternoon sessions (38 weeks per year – term time only).

Sickness Procedure

If your child is feeling under the weather, is showing signs of being unwell or requires medicines such as Calpol, please consider if they are well enough to attend Preschool before sending them, this avoids any potential illnesses spreading to the other children and to the staff of Cherry Pips.

We have a duty of care to all our children, we will send away any children who are poorly on arrival at Preschool, we will also send home any children who show signs and symptoms of being unwell during the day. We follow the NHS guidelines – a child must not attend Preschool for 48 hours after their last bout of sickness and diarrhoea.

Reporting your child’s absence—please telephone the Preschool on 01322 242011 ext. 2 or email

Thank you for your understanding.

Contact Us

To enquire about a place at our preschool or join the waiting list, please submit the online enquiry form below and the preschool manager will contact you in due course.

For all other enquiries, please contact us on, selecting the Nursery option.

enquiry form
A young boy playing with blocks on a table in a classroom.
Young boy smiling while playing around outdoors.