At Leigh Academy Cherry Orchard, we have a very smart school uniform and we are very proud to see most of our children wearing the correct uniform with pride. Uniform can be purchased directly through the Brigade website. Some second hand uniforms items may be available for sale. For further information, please contact the academy directly.
House Colours are as follows: (Ebbsfleet: Green, St Pancras: Light Blue, Stratford: Red and Ashford: Purple). If you are in doubt about your child’s House Colours, please contact the office. Uniform slips will be issued to pupils not wearing the correct school uniform in accordance with our uniform policy. School ties are a compulsory element of the school uniform. Please note, the red stripe is optional on jumpers/cardigans for boys and girls.
- White collared button shirt
- Grey pinafore, skirt or tailored trousers
- Green cardigan or jumper (red stripe & logo)
- Green/Red stripe tie
- Grey tights or socks
- Black sensible shoes
- Green Fleece with logo
- White collared button shirt
- Grey school trousers
- Green jumper (red stripe & logo)
- Green/Red stripe tie
- Grey socks
- Black sensible shoes
- Green Fleece with logo
- House Colour Round Neck T Shirt
- House Colour Cap
- Green Shorts
- Plain black tracksuit (sweatshirts and hoodies acceptable)
- Black plimsolls or trainers