Pupil Premium Statements

Pupil Premium statement 2023/24 Pupil Premium statement 2022/23


We ensure that teaching and learning opportunities meet the needs of all our children.

We ensure that appropriate provision is made for children who belong to vulnerable groups, this includes ensuring that the needs of socially disadvantaged children are adequately assessed and addressed.

In making provision for social disadvantaged children, we recognise that not all children who receive free school meals will be socially disadvantaged. We also recognise that not all children who are socially disadvantaged are registered or qualify for free school meals. We reserve the right to allocate the Pupil Premium Funding to support any child or group of children Leigh Academy Cherry Orchard has legitimately identified as needing additional support to achieve improved outcomes in learning and/or well-being.

Pupil Premium Funding will be allocated following a needs analysis which will identify priority groups or individuals. Limited funding and resources means that not all children receiving free school meals will be in receipt of Pupil Premium interventions at one time.

The Senior Management Team will allocate Pupil Premium Funding in order to:

  • Ensure disadvantaged children
  • Establish small booster group sizes thus improving opportunities for effective assessment and accelerating progress
  • Provide small group work with an experienced teacher focussed on overcoming gaps in learning, especially in Literacy and Numeracy
  • Provide 1:1 support
  • For additional teaching and learning opportunities provided through qualified teachers, trained TAs or external agencies.

Where appropriate, we prioritise emotional and social wellbeing of the children to ensure they have a positive and calm start and end to the school day. This takes the form of early morning sensory circuits, access to breakfast and after school provision at a reduced rate and we actively encourage them to take part in free of charge educational and extracurricular activities.

All our work through the Pupil Premium will be aimed at accelerating progress moving all children to at least age related expectations. A particular focus will be placed on improving Literacy and Numeracy and narrowing the attainment and progress gap between children entitled to Pupil Premium and their peers.

Who is eligible for Pupil Premium?

  • Children in the Armed Forces Personnel
  • Looked After Children
  • Children adopted from care or who have left care

Children can have free school meals and are eligible for Pupil Premium if they receive any of the following:

  • Income support
  • Income Based Jobseekers Allowance
  • Income Related Employment and Support Allowance (ESA)
  • Support under part Vi of the immigration and Asylum Act 1999
  • Child tax credit provide you are not entitled to Working Tax Credit and have an annual income that does not exceed £16,190
  • The guaranteed element of Pension Credit

If you think your child may be eligible for free school meals, please use the links below to look at further information, or to register (which only takes a few minutes).

Free school meals information
Register for free school meals